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Anaphoras Liturgical Supplications |
Anaphoras: The Book of Order of the Liturgy Anaphoras
© Syrian Orthodox Dioceses of North America and Canada. Reproduced with permission. No part of the material may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher. Proper for Weekday Liturgy Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness and mercy. Merciful Lord, have mercy upon us and help us. May we be worthy to raise to You praise, thanksgiving, glory, adoration and never-ceasing good exaltation continually, at all times and in all seasons. Proemion Praise be to the High Priest of our faith Jesus Christ, the Devout and Holy Sacrifice, Who performed purification of our sins by His own Person and cleansed the world by His sacrifice, the Good One to Whom is due glory, honor and dominion with His Father and with his Holy Spirit at this time of the celebration of this Eucharist and all feasts and seasons and at all times and forever. Sedro O Lord God Almighty, Who accepts the sacrifice of praise from those who call upon You whole-heartedly, accept from our hands, Your sinful servants, this sweet incense and bring us near to Your holy altar. Strengthen us that we may raise to You spiritual offerings and sacrifices on account of our sins and the transgressions of Your people. Make us worthy that we become to You an acceptable sacrifice, and may Your Good Spirit rest upon us and upon these offerings that are set here and upon all Your faithful people in Christ Jesus our Lord with Whom befit You praise, honor and dominion with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts and forgiveness of sins in both worlds forever and ever. Amen.
Proper for Liturgy on Festivals of our Lord Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the Three Holy Persons, one true God, Who dwells in the Holy of Holies in His incomprehensible secrecy; Who is ministered to by the holy hosts with a spiritual service and Who accepted by His abounding grace to be served by mortals; Who is the Giver of presents and divine gifts, the Adorner of pontiffs and Perfecter of priests; Who reveals the symbols and fulfills the commandments; the Accepter of the sacrifices and Granter of the requests; to Him are due praise and honor at this time of the celebration of the Eucharist and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our life forever and ever. Sedro O Mighty, Strong, Powerful and Glorious Lord, arise and help us and deliver us from the evil one and his forces by Your strength and Your exalted arm. You, O Lord, by virtue of Your grace and abundant mercies, became incarnate of the Holy Virgin Mary and by Your love toward mankind You put on a body for our sake. O Lord, our Lord, we beseech You by the throne in heaven which solemnly carries Your Majesty; by the four faces of the creatures that are bound to Your chariot; by the assemblies of the angels and the archangels who glorify Your Godhead; by the ranks of the cherubim who bless, praise and magnify Your might; by the six-winged seraphim who cry out, and say: "Holy, holy, holy are You, O Lord, in Your holiness"; by all the hosts, orders and ranks who stand and serve Your awesomeness and Your being begotten in the womb which carried You, cast us not away from Your presence, but show us the path of life and salvation wherein we may walk to the kingdom. Grant, O my Lord, that we give thanks to Your grace, pray and beseech Your kindness. Our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, help us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, deliver us from our enemies. Our Lord Jesus Christ,under the wings of Your Cross protect us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from our fall into sin lift us up. Our Lord Jesus Christ, out of the pitfall and the gulf of afflictions raise us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from all the snares of the adversary preserve us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from all evil thoughts deliver us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from defilement and blasphemy save us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from the filth and the stain of foul deeds wash us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from wickedness and stains purify us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with Your goodness and Your blessings satisfy us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, from Your treasure which is full of mercy and compassion enrich us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, in Your heavenly resting place which is full of joy gladden us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, make us rejoice with the guests and the invited ones of Your kingdom. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the just and the righteous who pleased You invite us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the lambs who stand at Your right hand place us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the elect ones and saints make us to shine on the day when Your Majesty is manifest. Our Lord Jesus Christ, in that spiritual banquet, at Your right hand, make us sit, so that, with our departed ones and with all the faithful departed, we may raise to You, O my Lord, praise and thanksgiving and to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for Church Sanctification Sunday until the Feast of Epiphany Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Glory be to the one true and indivisible God Who accepted the offerings of the just of ancient times and was pleased with the petitions of the holy fathers, Who was appeased with the whole burnt offerings of the high priests, well pleased with the sacrifices of the prophets and perfected and sanctified the oblations of the apostles. Who made manifest His Mystery to Abel, Noah and Melchizedek and fashioned His likeness to Moses, Aaron and Samuel, Who is perceived in unity and worshiped and glorified in Trinity, at this time of the celebration of this Divine Eucharist, and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our life forever and ever. Sedro O Great and Eternal God, You Who know all the hidden things, You Who know everything before their coming into existence, and nothing of what we have, escapes Your knowledge for everything is exposed and laid bare before Your eyes. You know, O my Lord, that not relying on our righteousness do we dare to approach these Holy Mysteries that are set before us, but by having hope in the goodness of Your abundant mercies. Now that You have called us, O Lord, do not reject us. Because You have searched us, do not cast us away and do not withdraw Your Holy Spirit from us. Rather, grant to us confidence to enter into Your Divine Holies for Your Only-begotten Son has shown us a new and living way, demolishing the wall of enmity and joining the heavenly with mortals and uniting them in one. Even now, O Lord God, the Lover of mankind, as You accept by Your grace this incense from our sinful hands, be in our midst by the influence of Your Divinity. Explore our secrets and search out our ignorance. Enter into our minds and examine our thoughts. Remove from us every disgraceful lust, all filthy thoughts and every notion that is displeasing to You: all deceit, envy, haughtiness, hypocrisy, enmity, derision, hatred, falsehood, backbiting, idle talk and immoral looks. Replace these, O Lord, with the spirit of meekness, modesty, purity, uprightness, joy, peace, gentleness and love so that, free from condemnation or shame, we may stand before Your holy altar and offer unto You of Your own gifts, offerings and fruits for the forgiveness of what we have sinned against You, for the preservation of our soul and body and for the propitiation and rest of our parents, brothers, masters and all the faithful departed who have proceeded and slept in Your hope and for the glory and exaltation of Your Name respected in all. To You befit all praise, honor, dominion and authority and to Your Only-begotten Son and to Your Holy Spirit, now andalways and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Sundays following the Feast of Epiphany until the Great Lent Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the true Shepherd with Whose Body His flock is sustained and with Whose Precious Blood the thirst of His Church is quenched. The kind One with Whose Body all mouths are sanctified and lips are sweetened, Whose honor is worshiped by all the crowds and His glory sung by all the nations; at this time of the celebration of this Divine Eucharist and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our life forever and ever. Sedro Christ our God, the High Priest of truth, the Absolving Sacrifice Who offered Himself on Golgotha and reconciled His Father Who was angry with mankind and thus pacified the heavenly with mortals by the Blood of His Person. Look upon me with mercy and pity at this fearful and dreadful time as I stand before You, at this hour which is full of trembling, when the angels are shaken, the archangels are astonished, the thrones are singing praise, the cherubim are blessing and the seraphim are sanctifying, as they look and see with keen eyes the Holy Spirit, flying swiftly and invisibly, and moving and resting upon these offerings and sanctifying them. My Lord, do not give heed to the foul deeds which I have committed so as to withhold Your Holy Spirit from the rational sheep of Your flock. Hinder not Your mercies from Your flock purchased with Your Precious Blood on account of my disgraceful deeds, but according to Your Grace, O my Lord, and Your abundant mercies by which You have made me worthy to enter into Your Holy of Holies where the angels desire to look into; cleanse the sins of Your people, forgive the transgressions of Your flock and accept this sacrifice which is offered to You by my sinful hands. Through it, O my Lord, forgive the sinners, pardon the offenders, accept the penitents, be reconciled with the guilty, pacify the wrathful, unite the discordant, bring together those who are divided. Bring to an end the offenses, remove the chastisements, sanctify the unclean, make chaste the wanton, enlighten the priests, adorn the deacons, grant understanding to the readers, strengthen the monks, save the hermits, confirm the churches, establish the monasteries, preserve the celibates, bless those who are near, pardon the sinners and grant rest to the faithful departed. From the mouths of all of us a continual praise is offered to You, O my Lord, to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Sundays of Great Lent Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to Him, the Absolver of offenses and Forgiver of sins, the Sanctifier of the defiled, the Accepter of the penitents, Who is pleased by the conversion of sinners and longs earnestly for the salvation of the transgressors. To Him Who said: "Call and I will answer, knock and I will open, and My helping hand I will give you and your sins and transgressions I will forgive" are due praise and honor at this time of the celebration of this Divine Eucharist and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our lives forever and ever. Sedro Unto You and before You I bend my knees and my heart, O Creator of heaven and earth, that You may grant me the gift from Your good will. I am not asking for gold or silver nor for the lives of my enemies, but as I weep with contrition and cry out because of the obstinate pain over the sins which I have committed, I offer unto You a supplication which proceeds from the heart and is written with the tears of the eyes. O my Lord, cast me not away from your presence that I may be seized by the evil demons who would mock me, and say: "You thought you had a Redeemer in heaven." I was brought unto You and now, through You, I approach You to make intercession on behalf of myself and all Your flock. Cleanse me, You O God, and have pity on me, O Lord, for here I am, a servant of sin, entreating You to pardon offenses and forgive sins. You are the rich Giver in Whose house poverty has never been seen nor have you ever withheld the great riches of Your gifts from mankind. Now, O Lord God, that I have prepared myself to enter into the Holy of Holies of Your Divine and Exalted Mysteries, remove from me the filthy garments with which Satan clothed me due to the weakness of my evil thoughts and cloth me in new raiment prepared by Your grace. I am ready, O my Lord, to offer Your Son before You, and to eat His Body and drink His Blood, for there is no other sacrifice that You would offer on my behalf, nor do I have sins that are hard unto Your will. Remember not my sins, O my Lord, and let them not remain unpardoned. Have compassion on me, a sinner. Sanctify me by Your Holy Spirit. Make Your people worthy to receive Your Holy and Life-giving Mysteries in purity and holiness. As for me, make me pure and spotless and worthy to always appear before You without sins so that I may thank Your Holy Name, O God the Father and Your Only-begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Holy Liturgy on Maundy Thursday Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Glory to that Substance which is exalted over all substances, thanksgiving to the Goodness that surpasses all goodness and is the Giver of perfect gifts. Worship to the Godhead of Three Persons and One in essence, the Lordship of holiness, by Whose radiance the conceivable and perceptible hosts are enlightened and by Whose glory they advance in priestly hierarchy; that Perfecter of pontiffs, Adorner of priests, Giver of grace, Who is full of the Mysteries of Life. That Godhead Who is thrice hallowed by the heavenly orders in the three divine companies by the chanting of the Trisagion in the heavenly Church, and Who is honored, praised, glorified, exalted and extolled by high priests and deacons in the earthly Church. To Him we offer praise and adoration at this time of the celebration of the Divine Eucharist and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our lives forever. Sedro O God, Who is good by His nature and gives holiness to the holy by His grace; Who broke His absolving Body for His holy disciples and mixed His precious Blood for the atonement of all the faithful, and commanded and admonished His disciples, saying to them: "This you do in remembrance of Me." Even now, O Lord, by the mercies of Your goodness, You have called and drawn me near to this spiritual service, although I am not worthy, and by virtue of Your kindness, You have made me worthy to offer up this divine and atoning sacrifice by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, while considering this divine and spiritual sacrifice, we celebrate with spiritual gladness, and say: This is the divine sacrifice which is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world and is bestowed upon us for our salvation. This is the divine sacrifice by which our spots and stains are made white. This is the divine sacrifice through which those who are perfect ascend on high to heaven. This is the bloodless divine sacrifice which is offered for the life of the world. This is the divine sacrifice which Abel, the high priest, depicted by his acceptable offering. This is the divine sacrifice which was given to us, the redeemed faithful, as a pledge of heavenly promise. This is the divine sacrifice that was granted an armor of salvation to our souls and bodies. This is the divine sacrifice by which the offenses and sins of the penitents are absolved and forgiven. This is the divine sacrifice which was made manifest by David the prophet of the Holy Spirit who said: "Taste and see that the Lord is good." This is the divine sacrifice through which the high priest Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, took off his filthy garments. This is the divine sacrifice which has been depicted by all the just and the righteous through their hidden mysteries. This is the divine sacrifice which was committed in trust to the prophet Isaiah by the tongs of fire. This is the divine sacrifice that was depicted by the bread and wine which the high priest Melchizedek offered. This is the divine sacrifice which the prophet of the Lord made its glorious image manifest by the lamb that was slain in the evenings. This is the divine sacrifice which the fathers of ancient times expected to see, but did not see clearly. This is the divine sacrifice through which the nations, who were born again, have their sins absolved, their stains cleansed and their shortcomings forgiven. This is the divine sacrifice that gives the faithful the Life-giving Body and the Absolving Blood. This is the divine sacrifice which was depicted by Moses the chief prophet by the shewbread that was kept on the altar. This is the divine sacrifice before whom the fiery cherubim stand trembling and the awesome seraphim shaking. This is the divine sacrifice on which the Holy Spirit, Who is equal to the Father and to His Only-begotten Son, descends and sanctifies. This is the divine sacrifice which the heavenly Father fulfilled, the beloved Son perfected and the Holy Spirit sanctified. This is the divine sacrifice which the Trinity of the Godhead made perfect by the sufferings of His Person. We make supplication and offer petition, by this sweet incense, that He may wash our defilements by His mercies, absolve our guilt by His compassion and forgive our transgressions and shortcomings by the abundance of His heavenly gifts. May He be with us and among us, and may He make us and our faithful departed worthy of His Majesty's glory, that of His Blessed Father, Who sent Him for our salvation, and that of His Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Sunday of Resurrection until Pentecost Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the pure Sacrifice Who became a priest unto Himself, to the Holy High Priest Who became an accepted oblation to His Father for the sake of His flock, to that Blessed Lamb Who was stretched out on the arms of the Cross by His love and redeemed the people and the nations by His death, to Him are due praise and honor at this time of the celebration of this Divine Eucharist and at all the feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our lives, forever and ever. Sedro O God, the exalted Word, in Whose palm heaven is contained, yet He is carried on the hands of mortals for atonement, the Mighty One of Whose brightness the fearful company of the cherubim tremble while the Church and her children are refreshed by His Body, the Glorious of Whom the seraphim are shaken, and yet the mortal multitudes are enriched by Him, the kind One Whose goodness accepts no change nor His priesthood is subject to transformation, the Life-giving Cluster that was pressed out by the crucifiers who did not taste it, whereas, the faithful accepted it and would never change it. The heavenly Bread Whose partakers never hunger, the spiritual Drink Whose drinkers never thirst, the Fruit which bestows life eternal upon its recipients, the Fountain which makes its drinkers inherit unending blessings, the delicious Sustenance Who is eaten every day, but is never consumed and is drunk daily, but is never finished, is continually broken, yet never dies, is given at all seasons, yet is never insufficient, the living in Whom His believers rejoice while those who investigate Him are put to shame. We beseech You, O Most High and Infinite God, with the fragrance of this sweet incense, asking of Your indescribable love towards mankind to grant us to understand how great it is to stand before Your holy altar, while You grant us intellectual eyes to behold You, spiritual ears to hear Your commandments, a pure heart that sincerely makes supplication to You, clean thoughts that may be well-pleasing to Your Godhead, pure hands that administer Your Mysteries, lips that praise and give thanks to Your mercies, innocent tongues that glorify Your Name, holy mouths that partake of Your Body and spiritual palates that enjoy Your Blood. May our hunger be ever satisfied with Your richness and our thirst be quenched with the sweetness of Your fountain. May we always praise You with the fruits of our lips, sing joyful songs with our tongues and glorify You in true faith. May we, together with our faithful departed, rejoice in You and offer unto You praise and thanksgiving to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive...
Proper for the Sundays after Pentecost until Church Sanctification Sunday Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the Cup of Thanksgiving and Salvation that was mixed on the height of Golgotha and with it the sinners were cleansed and purified from iniquity; to the Atoning Blood that was shed on the summit of the Cross with which the peoples were signed and redeemed from death. To Him are due praise and thanksgiving at this time of the celebration of this Diving Eucharist and at all feasts, seasons, hours, times and all the days of our lives forever and ever. Sedro O Christ our God, Who is received by the communion of His Mysteries and is eaten by taking His Body, the Bridegroom of the truth Who invited the peoples to the banquet of His passion and invited the nations to the feast of His death, the Good Shepherd Who gave Himself food for His flock and mixed His Blood a drink for His sheep, the Table of immortality Who spread Himself before the hungry to eat Him, the Fountain of incorruptibility Who, of His own will, made Himself flow for the thirsty to drink Him, the absolving Incense Who burned Himself to be smelled by those who were corrupted by sin, the Divine Eucharist (Margonitho) Who is distributed by the priest in the churches, the Cup of Salvation from which the peoples and the nations drink, but is never depleted, the heavenly Bread Who gave Himself to be broken at all times that He might satisfy our hunger and the Drink of delight Who humbled Himself that He might quench our thirst. Even now, O Lord, Lover of mankind, bend toward us with Your love, prove in us Your grace, satisfy our hunger from Your richness, quench our thirst with the sweet fountain of Your delight, sprinkle our hearts, O my Lord, with the beauty of Your purity, inscribe in our souls the symbol of Your promises, enrich us with Your love, shower us with Your affection, lift up our minds to the great height of Your Godhead, make us worthy to meet You joyfully, grant that we may approach to receive Your atoning Body and Blood with purity and holiness and unite us with Your fellowship. May our nostrils be filled with Your fragrance, our mouths be opened for Your glory, our tongues sing aloud Your praises and our lips sing Your honor. May our offenses becleansed by Your compassion, our sins, O my Lord, be blotted out by Your grace, our faults be forgiven by Your sympathy and our spots and stains be cleansed by Your hyssop. Change us into the likeness of Your glory, make us splendid temples for Your dwelling and fitting abodes suitable for the habitation of Your honor. Pardon the faithful departed by Your compassion and make us and them worthy of the blessed rest and of the standing at Your right hand that we may offer You praise and thanksgiving to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Festivals of the Mother of God and of the Saints Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the Holy One Who is filled with all holies, Whom the Holy Virgin brought forth and the little Bethlehem honored him, the pure baptism longed for Him, the bare Golgotha honored Him, the noble priesthood ministered to Him, peoples and nations were sanctified by Him, the faithful Church accepted Him, and, Lo, His Body and Blood were distributed in her to all her flock, and He is given to the peoples and nations and is sufficient to make the living and the dead rejoice by His grace; to Him are due praise, honor and adoration at this time of the celebration of this Eucharist, at all feasts, seasons, hours, and times, and all the days of our lives forever and ever. Sedro O Heavenly Lamb, Whom the Virgin brought forth miraculously, and Bethlehem, Afrath honored Him joyfully, and the Jordan River longed for Him cheerfully and Golgotha highly exalted Him on the wood of the Cross, and was sacrificed for the salvation of the creation, and He cleansed all the peoples and the nations by His sacrificial offering and restored to life the races and the generations by His death. Even now, O Lord, on account of Your great love toward mankind and indescribable grace and through the acceptable and receptive prayers of Your Blessed and Holy Mother and all the company of the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs and the fathers, cleanse Your faithful Church, bless Your rational sheep, sanctify Your inheritance and protect Your flock. Make Your tranquillity dwell in the creation and Your peace reign in the inhabitable earth. Proclaim salvation to the captives and liberty to the prisoners and enslaved. Make a good memory of Your Blessed and Holy Mother and the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs, the confessors and the faithful departed who, in true faith, have fallen asleep in Your hope. As for me, O my Lord, Your sinful servant whom You have entrusted with the office of priesthood, grant me a conduct which is appropriate for the clergy of truth, managing and administering diligently through me that talent which Your have granted me through Your grace though I am unworthy. May I receive, by Your mercies, the reward with the faithful and wise stewards for You are, O Lord, good, rich in gifts and abundant in mercies. We offer You praise and thanksgiving and to Your Blessed Father Who sent You for our salvation and to Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts...
Proper for the Faithful Departed Husoyo Celebrant: Let us all pray and implore the Lord for kindness... Proemion Praise be to the acceptable Oblation Who offered Himself on the wood of the Cross and purged our guilts by His being offered up in sacrifice for our sake, who died and restored us to life by His death, Who rose and raised us by His resurrection, Who ascended to heaven and took us up with Him; to Him belongs praise and honor with His Father and with His Holy Spirit, at this time of the performance of this Eucharist, at all feasts, seasons and hours all the days of our lives forever. Sedro We pray and entreat You earnestly, O Lord God, to bless Your servants and handmaids who are gathered in Your holy temple at this time of the performance of this sacrifice and are looking for Your rich mercies. Send to them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit and sanctify their souls and bodies that they may be worthy of receiving Your Holy Body and Atoning Blood. Clothe them with the robe of love and harmony. Make peace and tranquillity reign among them, deliver them from the afflictions and rods of wrath and guard them by Your Holy Cross. Make us and our departed worthy of the noble standing at Your right hand on Your second coming that we and they may offer You praise and thanksgiving with Your Father and with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Celebrant: From God may we receive remission of debts... Figure - 3 This pattern is also used on Maundy Thursday and Gospel Saturday. |
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Last Update: December 1, 1997 |