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Anaphora of St. James96:1 The First Bishop of Jerusalem (AD +61) |
Anaphoras: The Book of Order of the Liturgy Anaphoras
© Syrian Orthodox Dioceses of North America and Canada. Reproduced with permission. No part of the material may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher. The Prayer of the Kiss of Peace96:2 The celebrant, with crossed hands, says loudly: People: Amen. Barekhmor. Celebrant: Peace be unto you all. People: And with your spirit. Deacon: Barekhmor. Let us give peace to one another, everyone to his neighbor with a holy and divine kiss, in the love of our Lord and God. People: Make us worthy, O Lord and God, of this peace all the days of our lives. Deacon: After this holy and divine peace which has been given, let us once bow down our heads before the merciful Lord. People: Before You, our Lord and our God. The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
People: Amen. The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
People: Amen. Deacon: Barekhmor. Let us stand well, let us stand with fear, let us stand with modesty, purity and holiness and let us all stand, my brethren, in love and true faith. Let us intelligently behold, with the fear of God, this awesome and Holy Eucharist which is being set before us by this reverend priest98:1 who, in peace and tranquillity, offers this living sacrifice on behalf of us all to God the Father, Lord of all. People: Mercy, peace and a sacrifice of thanksgiving. The celebrant lifts up the shushefo (veil)
and waves it three times over the elements, saying in a low voice:98:2 The celebrant, placing his left hand on the
altar, turns toward the people and blesses them, saying:100:1 People: Amen. And with your spirit. The celebrant, extending and elevating his
hands, says aloud: People: They are with the Lord God. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord in awe. People: It is meet and right. The celebrant bows down his head, waves his
hands over the elements, and says in a low voice: The celebrant, with his hands outstretched,
says aloud: People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; heaven and earth are full of His glories. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He Who came and will come in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. The celebrant, waving his hands over the elements,
prays silently: The celebrant takes the host from the paten
with his right hand. He puts it on the palm of his left hand, and raising
his eyes upward, says aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant takes the chalice with both hands,
then he holds it with his left hand and makes over it the sign of the
Cross three times. Then he puts the second finger of his right hand on
its edge and tilts it crosswise, saying: People: Amen. The celebrant takes the gomouro102:1
from the northern side with his left hand; then
he takes the spoon from the southern side with his right hand and puts
it on the gomouro. He now raises them with his right hand to remind the
faithful of the Lord's second coming, which will be like a flash of lightning,
and puts them on the southern side. Then he places the sponge on the northern
side and says aloud: People: Your death, our Lord, we commemorate, Your resurrection we confess and Your second coming we wait for. May Your mercy be upon us all. The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, Father Almighty. We glorify You, we bless You, we worship You and we beseech You. O Lord our God, have compassion and mercy upon us, O Good One. The celebrant, stretching out his hands at
equal level and gazing upward, says silently: People: We glorify You, we bless You, we worship You, O Lord God, and we beseech You for mercy. Have mercy upon us. Deacon: Barekhmor, How awful is this hour and how dreadful is this moment, my beloved, wherein the Holy Spirit from the topmost heights takes wing and descents and hovers and rests upon this Eucharist here present and sanctifies it. Be in calm and awe, while standing and praying. People: May peace be with us and tranquillity to all of us. The Invocation of the Holy Spirit The celebrant waves his hands over the Mysteries,
and bowing down his head, says silently: The celebrant stretches out his hands and says
aloud: People: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. The celebrant stretches out his left hand and
waves his right hand over the Body and says aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant, likewise, waves his right hand
over the chalice and says aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The Diptychs The celebrant says silently: The deacon stands in the Royal Entrance and intones Canon of the Living Fathers. Deacon: Barekhmor. People: Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant says silently: Canon of the Faithful Brethren Deacon: Barekhmor. Again, we remember all our faithful and true Christian brethren who have urged and entreated our humble and weak selves to remember them at this hour and at this time: and on behalf of all those who are fallen into all kinds of hard temptations and who take refuge in You, Lord God Almighty, and for their salvation and speedy visitation by You; for this city sustained by God and for the concord and prosperity of all its faithful dwellers that they may attain righteousness. Let us beseech the Lord. People: Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant says silently: Canon of the Faithful Kings Deacon: Barekhmor. Again, we remember all the faithful and true Christian rulers, who in the four corners of the earth, have supported and confirmed the churches and monasteries of God in the true faith, and for all Christendom, all the clergy and all the faithful people that they may attain righteousness. Let us beseech the Lord. People: Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant says silently: Canon of the Mother of God and the Saints Deacons: Barekhmor. Again, we commemorate her who is worthy to be blessed and glorified by all generations of the earth, the holy, glorious, blessed, exalted and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God. With her, let us remember the prophets, the apostles, the preachers, the evangelists, the martyrs, the confessors, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the forerunner of his Master, the holy, illustrious St. Stephen, the head of the deacons and the protomartyr, and the exalted heads of the apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul. Let us also remember together all the saints, both men and women. May their prayers be a stronghold for us. Let us beseech the Lord. People: Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant says silently: Canon of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church Deacon: Barekhmor. People: Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. The celebrant says silently: Canon of the Faithful Departed Deacon: Barekhmor. People: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: O God, remove, pardon and forgive the offenses of ours and theirs which we have committed before You willingly and unwillingly, wittingly and unwittingly. The celebrant says silently: The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. As it was is now and ever shall be unto ages of ages and all the ages of the world without end. Amen. Barekhmor. The celebrant takes power from the Mysteries, stretches out his right hand toward the people and shall say: Celebrant: Peace be unto you all. People:And with your spirit. The celebrant takes blessing from the chalice,
paten and the edge of the tablitho crosses himself, then he draws the
sign of the Cross first to the north then to the south. He then turns
to his right-hand side and draws the sign of the Cross on the people three
times, saying: The curtain is drawn across the sanctuary. The people sing a hymn that is suitable for the occasion. The following hymn is one of many such hymns: I was a lost and wandering sheep. Here the celebrant washes his finger tips and dries them. The deacon may intone the following general litany by taking part alternately: Deacon:Barekhmor. An angel of peace and tranquillity, mercy and compassion, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People:Grant us, our Lord, through Your compassion. Deacon:That there may be peace to the churches, tranquillity to the monasteries and a gracious preservation to their priests and to their children, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People:Grant them tranquillity, our Lord, by Your clemency. Deacon: That we may become true Christians, well-pleasing unto God through the good deeds of righteousness, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People: Make us worthy, our Lord, through Your grace. Deacon: May we and our departed and our congregation be delivered from the fire that does not go out, the worm that does not die and violent torment that has no end, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People: Deliver us, our Lord, through Your compassion. Deacon: May these Pure and Holy Mysteries, that have been consecrated, be unto us provisions of salvation. May we, through them, be delivered from the fire which is decreed for the impious and burns the workers of iniquity, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People: Deliver us, our Lord, by Your grace. Deacon: That there may be full recovery to the sick, rest to the afflicted, release to the prisoners, a return to those who afar, preservation for those who are near, gathering together to those who are scattered, concord and love to those who are at discord, provision and plenty to the hungry, full forgiveness to the sinners, exaltation to the priesthood, virtue to the deacons, peace among the kingdoms of the earth, cessation of wars, rest to the departed and to us forgiveness of transgressions and sins. People: Grant to us, our Lord, through Your goodness. Deacon: Again, let there be good remembrance of the Mother of God, Mary, and of the saints and of the faithful departed, my brethren, let us beseech the Lord at all times. People: Grant, our Lord, through Your grace. Deacon: Whereas, we are asking Christ our God for His abundant mercy and compassion on behalf of our souls and those of our fathers, our brethren, our masters, our departed and of ourselves. Deacon: Let us give thanks to God the Father, Lord of all, worship His Only-begotten Son and glorify His Holy Spirit; let us commit our life into the hands of the merciful Lord, and beseech mercy of His loving-kindness. People: O Good One, spare us and have mercy upon us. The Prayer of Breaking
and Signing of the Holy Mysteries The celebrant prays in a low voice:
The celebrant says the following metrical homily of St. Jacob of Sarug: O Father of truth, behold Your Son, the well-pleasing sacrifice unto You, Accept You Him Who died for me, and may I be forgiven through Him. Receive this offering from my hands and reconcile with me. And remember not the sins I committed before Your greatness. Behold His Blood is shed on Golgotha by the wicked, and it is pleading for me. For my sake, accept my petition. If you weigh how much my debts and how much Your mercy, Your compassion is heavier than the mountains that are weighed by You. Look, You, at the sins and look at the offering for them. The offering and the sacrifice are much greater than the debts. Because I sinned, Your beloved One endured the nails and the spear. Sufficient are His passions to reconcile You and by them shall I live. Glory be to the Father Who delivered His Son for our salvation. Adoration to the Son Who died on the Cross and gave life to all of us. Thanks be to the Spirit Who began and fulfilled the Mystery of our salvation. O Trinity, exalted, above all, have mercy on us all. The celebrant tinctures the Body with the Blood
and says the following prayer, silently: The sanctuary is unveiled. Introduction to the Lord's Prayer The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: The Lord's Prayer People: Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. Celebrant, with outstretched hands, says aloud:
People: Amen. Barekhmor. Celebrant: Peace be with you all. People: And with your spirit. Deacon: Before receiving these Divine and Holy Mysteries that have been offered, let us bow down our heads before the merciful Lord. People: Before You, our Lord and our God. The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says
aloud: People: Amen. Barekhmor. Celebrant: Peace be with you all. People: And with your spirit. The celebrant now touches the chalice, the
paten and the tablitho with his right hand. He crosses himself and draws
the sign of the Cross to the left and the right sides of the altar. Then
he turns to the people and blesses them with the Sign of the Cross three
times, saying: People: Amen. Here incense is burnt. The Elevation of the Holy Mysteries Deacon: Barekhmor. With fear and trembling let us look. People: Merciful Lord, have compassion and mercy upon us and help us. Celebrant: The Holies to the holy and pure alone ought to be given.132:1 People: Barekhmor. One Holy Father. One Holy Son. One Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Living Holy Spirit, Who are one, forever and ever. Amen. The celebrant carries the paten with his right
hand and the chalice with his left hand, and putting his right hand on
his left hand in the shape of the Cross, he says. People: With us. Amen. Celebrant: The one Holy Son with us Who redeemed us by His Person's precious sufferings. People: With us. Amen. Celebrant: The one Holy Spirit with us Who is the Perfecter and the Fulfiller of all that has been and all that which will be. May the Name of the Lord be blessed forever and ever. People: With us. Amen. The celebrant puts the paten and the chalice on the tablitho and covers the Holy Mysteries. Then he descends from the altar step and burns incense. Then the people shall intone the following prayer. People: In offerings and in prayers, let us remember our fathers, who while they were alive, taught us to become children of God in this transitory world. O Son of God, grant them rest in the heavenly kingdom, with the just and the righteous, in the world that never passes away. Lord have mercy upon us and help us. HYMNS OF EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION Quqalyons with Incense With the Blessed Virgin Mary People: The king's daughter stands forth in glory, halleluiah, halleluiah, and the queen stands at Your right hand. Forget also your own people and your father's house, halleluiah, halleluiah, the king, then, shall desire your beauty. (Psalm 45: 9-11) Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. People: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. O You Who are the pride of the faithful, offer, on our behalf, supplications to the Only-begotten Son Who sprang forth from you that He may have mercy upon all of us. Stomen kalos. Kyrie eleison. The archangel brought a message of peace to the daughter of David; announcing the good tidings to her, he declared: My Lord is with you; and from you He will spring forth. Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. A vessel became Mary, and carried, adored and glorified Him Who is the Helmsman and Lord of all creation. Lord have mercy upon us and help us. By Your Cross, O Lord Jesus, and by the prayers of Mary who brought You forth, turn aside and cause to cease from us all the afflictions and the rods of wrath. If a Supplication Prayer is desired, it is said here. Sermon of the Day136:1 With the Saints People:The righteous shall flourish like palm trees, halleluiah, halleluiah and shall grow up like the cedars of Lebanon. Shall blossom in old age and flourish, halleluiah, halleluiah, and shall be blessed with abundance. (Psalm 92: 12-14) Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. People: As it was in the beginning. Your commemoration, O St. (N),136:2 is here on earth as it is high above in heaven. May those who have honored your memory be supported by your prayers. Stomen kalos. Kyrie eleison. This time of prayer, O St. (N), lead your flock, as is your custom. Stretch out your right hand as Moses did, and bless the sheep who gave heed to your sweet notes. Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Praise be to the Father Who chose you, O St. (N), and to the Son Who has honored your commemoration; adoration to the Holy Spirit Who crowns you; may we receive mercy by your prayers during all seasons. Lord have mercy upon us and help us. O Saints, intercede for us to Him Whose will you fulfilled, that afflictions and rods of chastisement be removed from us. With the Faithful Departed People: As a father shows pity on his children, halleluiah, halleluiah, the Lord shows pity on those who fear Him. The days for man are as the grass, halleluiah, halleluiah, he grows as the flowers in the field. (Psalm 103: 13-15) Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. People:As it was in the beginning Your servants, who with trust and confidence have fallen asleep, may Your life giving voice awaken them from the graves to paradise. Stomen kalos. Kyrie eleison. With glory, the life-giving King shall descend from above to quicken the dead and raise the departed. Rising from their tombs together, they shall offer glory and praise to You Who are the Quickener of the dead. Deacon: Barekhmor. Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Praise be to the voice which our Lord announced in His Gospel, saying: Whosoever eats My Body and drinks My Blood, shall not be left in Sheol. For it was for his sake that I descended and tasted death that he may have eternal life. Lord have mercy upon us and help us. Grant, O Lord, rest to our faithful departed in Your glorious mansions. Grant them rest and have mercy upon them, forgiving our trespasses and theirs. The following anthem may be intoned instead of the previous services: By the resurrection138:1 of Christ the King, we receive atonement for our souls. Let us, in true faith, cry out together in praise of the Son Who redeemed us by His Cross and say: Blessed be Your salvation, our Savior. Holy, holy are You Who everywhere magnify the commemoration of Your Mother, Your saints and the faithful departed. O Christ the King, halleluiah. Halleluiah, halleluiah, O Christ the King, halleluiah. The heavenly hosts stand with us in the sanctuary and exalt the Body and Blood of the Son of God Who is sacrificed before us. Come near, O faithful, partake of Him for the remission of offenses and sins, halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah, O Christ the King, halleluiah. On Your altar, Lord, remember our fathers, our brethren and our elders. Let them stand at Your right hand of the shining forth of Your Majesty. Christ the King, halleluiah, Christ the King, halleluiah. The celebrant blesses the bread (bourktho),138:2
saying: The celebrant stretches out his hands, turns
to the clergy, the deacons and the people, saying: The sanctuary is veiled. The celebrant kneels on the altar step and
prays silently: The celebrant ascends the altar step, takes
the gmourto140:1
from the chalice with the spoon and says: The celebrant takes the gmourto from the paten
with the spoon and puts it into the chalice. He now fills the spoon from
the chalice and drinks of the blood, saying: Then he gives Holy Communion to the priests
with the spoon and to the deacons with his hand, saying: The celebrant covers the paten and the chalice
and says: Deacon: Worshiped and glorified are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. From eternity and forever and ever glory to Him. Halleluiah. The Procession of the Holy Mysteries The sanctuary is unveiled. The celebrant, carrying the paten with his
right hand and the chalice with his left hand, putting his right hand
over his left hand in the shape of the Cross, descends from the altar
step, saying: People: Amen. He walks forward two steps, stretches out his
hands and says: People: Amen. He walks forward one step, stretches out his
hands and says: People: Amen. The celebrant administers Holy Communion to
the faithful, saying: The communicant answers reverently: Amen. The celebrant crosses his hands, with the right hand above the left hand, bowing his head reverently, while the people chant the following hymn: People: Our Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Lord, spare us and have mercy upon us. Our Lord, answer us and have mercy upon us. Glory to God in the highest, exaltation to His Mother, a crown of glory to the martyrs and compassion and mercy to the departed. Halleluiah. The following hymn is chanted on the festivals of our Lord: People: Make, O Lord, good commemoration unto the holy Virgin Mary, who gave birth to You in her virginity; and help us through her prayers. Halleluiah. Make, O Lord, good commemoration unto the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs, the just and the righteous; and help us through their prayers. Halleluiah. Make, O Lord, good commemoration unto our father Mor Ignatius and Mor Basilius and our prelate Mor (N); and help us through their prayers. Halleluiah. Glory to God in the highest, exaltation to His Mother, a crown of glory to the martyrs and compassion and mercy to the departed. Halleluiah. The celebrant stretches out his hands and says:
People:The world shall kneel and worship You and every tongue shall confess Your Name for You are the Raiser of the dead and the Good Hope to those who are buried, halleluiah. Deacon: We give thanks to You, our Lord and our God, and especially for Your grace unto us. The celebrant turns to his left and returns to the altar. He ascends the altar step and puts the paten and the chalice on the tablitho. The Prayer of Thanksgiving The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
People: Amen. Barekhmor. Celebrant: Peace be unto you all. People: And with your spirit. Deacon: After having received these Holy and Divine Mysteries, that have been given, let us again bow down our heads before the merciful Lord. People: Before You, our Lord and our God. The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
People: Amen. Huthomo People: May the oblation that has been offered by the priest, O Lord, be pleasing unto Your will. May the angels of heaven rejoice in it. And the faithful departed will be pardoned by it. The Dismissal of the Faithful The celebrant turns to the faithful and blesses
them.146:1 People:Amen. May the Lord accept your offering and help us by your prayers.148:1 The veil is drawn across the sanctuary. The deacons sing the following metrical homily of St. Jacob of Sarug during the closing acts of the Liturgy: The Lord Whom the seraphs fear to look at, The faithful say the following as they take
of the blessed bread: Post Communion Prayers The celebrant kneels down and prays silently:
Another Prayer Your pure and holy mouth, O Lord, promised and said: He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will abide in Me, and I in him; and I will raise him on the last day. We, who have eaten Your Holy Body and have drunk Your Atoning Blood, O Lord, may it not be for judgment and condemnation to me and to Your faithful people, but for the absolution of offenses, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection from the dead and for confidence before Your dreadful judgment seat, our Lord and our God, forever. While the celebrant consumes the Body, he intones
Psalm 23: The celebrant holds the paten over the chalice
with his left hand, and drops the particles into the chalice with his
right thumb, saying: The celebrant consumes the particles that are
in the chalice with the spoon, saying: The celebrant consumes the Blood and says Psalm
116:12-19: Another Prayer O Good One, Who came down and had His side pierced on Golgotha, by the Blood and water that flowed out from Your side, quench my thirst; O Son of God, Who on being sacrificed, redeemed the vanquished, by Your living sacrifice put an end to my sufferings and heal my sicknesses. After consuming the elements in the chalice, the celebrant washes the paten with water from the mshamshonitho and pours the water into the chalice. He then dips the fingers of his tight hand twice. The first time he recites: The second time he says: He then dips the fingers of his left hand once,
saying: When he drinks the water from the chalice,
he shall say Psalm 36: 8-11: When the celebrant wipes the chalice, paten
and rest with the sponge, he shall say the following supplication of St.
Ephrem: The celebrant washes his hands and says Psalm
26: The celebrant wipes his hands and says Psalm
29: The celebrant removes his vestments and says a prayer for the faithful departed. Husoyo Let us all pray and implore the Lord for mercy and kindness. Proemion Glory to Him Who by His death abolished our death and by His sacrifice for us absolved all the children of Adam. The Good One Whom we remember and praise at this time and at all feasts, times, seasons, hours and all the days of our life, now and forever and ever. Sedro O Quickener of the dead and Restorer of the buried, receive, O Lord, the souls of Your servants for whom we have offered the oblation today. Make them dwell in the blessed mansions of Your Father with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Your beloved ones, and with all the true faithful who fell asleep in Your hope. Quicken, O Lord, and make them stand at Your right-hand side and let Your mercy descend abundantly upon us all. And we will raise glory and praise to You and to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. A Hymn Verse: Our Lord Jesus Christ: Let not, O Lord, Your Body and Your Blood which we have received, be for us unto judgment and vengeance, but for pardoning of sins and for a standing at Your right-hand side, halleluiah, with confidence. Verse: And You shall give them to drink of the pleasant water of Your spring.(Psalm 36:8) Your Body which we have received, and Your Living Blood which we have drunk with faith, may they be a bridge and a passage wherewith we may be delivered from the fire and from hell, halleluiah, and inherit life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. To You, O Christ the King, oblations are offered by the priests, Your servants. Accept them, O Good Lord, through Your compassion. And be reconciled with us by Your grace, halleluiah, and may we be pardoned by them. From eternity to eternity. Amen. The hands that stretched out their palms to receive the pledge from You, O Son of God, let them not be restrained by the vehemence of the flame on the last day, halleluiah, because they solemnly carried Your Body. Etro May this oblation, that we have offered today on behalf of Your servants and handmaids, be a sweet fragrance well-pleasing unto Your will and through Your mercies grant them, O Lord, eternal rest. The celebrant puts on his garments and says
the following eqbo: Then the celebrant shall say: Our Lord have mercy upon us. Our Lord have mercy and compassion upon us. Our Lord answer us and have mercy upon us. Glory to You, our Lord. Glory to You, our Lord. Glory to You, our hope forever. Then he says the Lord's Prayer. The celebrant bows before the altar three times kissing it to the middle to the right and to the left, and says: Remain in peace, O holy altar. Remain in peace, O pardoning table. Remain in peace, O majestic throne that carries its Master. May the Body and the Blood that I have received from you be for the remission of my offenses, for the forgiveness of my sins and for the everlasting new life, now and forever and ever. Amen. _____ 96:1 The Anaphora of St. James may be used on all occasions, but is obligatory on the following occasions:
96:2 The kiss of peace
is a practice that goes back to apostolic times. St. Paul says: "Greet
one another with a holy kiss." (II Corinthians 13.12) 98:1 If the celebrant
is a bishop, the deacon says: "this honorable prelate." 98:2 The celebrant
folds the shushefo and encircles it around the elements twice from
north to south and once vice-versa. Then he kisses it and puts it on the
altar to his left-hand side. He then takes the star and places it at his
left-hand side. 100:1 The celebrant
puts his right hand on the altar board and takes power from the Mysteries.
He first signs himself, facing forward, then toward the north, toward
the south and then he turns and crosses the people three times.
102:1 Gomouro
is a small pillow stuffed with cotton. 102:2 Here he raises
high the gomouro and the spoon, to remind the faithful of the Lord's
second coming which will happen like a flash of lightning. 108:1 The Coptic Patriarch
of Alexandria. 108:2 The Catholicos
of the East. 108:3 The prelate of
the diocese. 108:4 On mentioning
the names of the living Fathers of the Church, the celebrant makes the
sign of the Cross with his right thumb on the altar board. 110:1 He mentions the
names of the sick, the penitents and all the living for whom the sacrifice
is offered. On mentioning each name, he makes the sign of the Cross with
his right thumb on the altar to the right of the altar board. 112:1 The celebrant
here mentions the President and those who are in authority in the country.
As he mentions the names, he makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb
of his right hand on the altar board. 114:1 On mentioning
the name of the Virgin Mary, he makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb
of his right hand on the upper rim of the paten. As he mentions the names
of the other saints, he makes the sign of the Cross on the lower rim of
the paten. 116:1 On mentioning
the names of the Fathers of the Church, the celebrant makes the sign of
the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the left rim of the paten.
118:1 Hermits who lived
alone for religious meditation. 118:2 On mentioning
the names of the departed for whom the Eucharist is offered, the celebrant
draws the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the right
rim of the paten. Then he signs the chalice, the paten, the tablitho and
the book. 120:1 The thurifer
washes his fingertips, folds the shushefo and puts it on the northern
side of the altar. 126:1 Mar Dionysius
Bar Salibi was the Bishop of Amid (Diyarbakir, in modern Turkey).
126:2 The breaking
of the sacrificial bread is performed in two patterns, i.e., the pattern
of the Lamb and the pattern of the Crucifixion. The first pattern is preformed
from Maundy Thursday till Ascension Thursday, while the second pattern
is preformed during the rest of the year. 126:3 When the celebrant
says, "He rose from the tomb", he should hold the host between his two
hands and raise it high to declare the Lord's resurrection from the tomb.
132:1 The celebrant
carries the paten with his hands over the tablitho. He encircles it twice,
from west to east and moves it once, in the shape of the Cross, from east
to west and from north to south, and puts it back on the tablitho.
He then carries the chalice and elevates it over the tablitho in
a similar fashion, finally tilting it in the form of a cross. Then he
puts it back on the tablitho. 136:1 According to
early tradition, the sermon was to be given immediately following the
reading of the Gospel. 136:2 Here mention
is made of the saint after whom the particular church is named or of the
saint whose feast is celebrated. 138:1 Variable to suit
the festival of the day. 138:2 Bourktho,
the blessed bread, is made of the same dough as the Eucharistic bread,
but is not consecrated. It is blessed by the celebrant and distributed
to the faithful at the end of the Liturgy. 140:1 'Gmourto'
in Syriac means the particles of the Eucharist and alludes to the burning
coal of Isaiah 6:6. The live coals on the altar symbolize our Lord Jesus
Christ. 146:1 The priest, with
his left hand on the altar, his left foot on the altar step and his right
foot down, takes power from the Mysteries by touching the chalice, paten
and tablitho with his right hand and blesses the faithful by drawing
the sign of the Cross three times. 148:1 The faithful
bless themselves by kissing the Holy Gospel. Each one then takes a piece
of the bourktho, the blessed bread, and eats it. If a prelate is
present, the faithful kiss his hand cross. |
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Last Update: December 1, 1997 |