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A Prayer of Blessing for Icons

Anaphoras: The Book of
Divine Liturgies


Order of the Liturgy

Preparatory Order
Public Celebration
Kiss of Peace


St. James
St. Mark
St. Peter
Twelve Apostles
St. John
St. Xystus
St. Julius
St. John Chrysostom
St. Cyril
St. Jacob of Sarugh
St. Philoxenus
St. Severius
Mar Bar Salibi


Supplication to
    Virgin Mary
Consecration of
Purification of Altars
Blessing of Icons
For the Sick


© Syrian Orthodox Dioceses of North America and Canada. Reproduced with permission. No part of the material may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher.

A prayer on new icons that are donated to the church.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. O Lord, God of the whole incorporeal and perceptible creation, the Maker of the heavenly hosts, the earthly beings and all that is under the earth, You have filled Your Church with the likeness of the first-born who are written in Your Heavenly Church and who minister to You with Your Holy Spirit. Grant, O Lord God, that Your powerful and omnipotent right hand may protect, bless and sanctify this icon for the adoration of Your Most Honored Name. May all those who call upon You in true faith and ask of Your compassion with a pure heart, receive their good requests and present to You first-fruits and oblations for obtaining health and healing and for attaining salvation of their souls. We beseech You and make supplication to You to accomplish Your command and fulfill the promise of Your Most Holy Spirit so that the Gospel precept may dwell, operate, perfect and be diligent regarding every deed or word that is done or said in the name of this icon. We ask this favor by Your loving-kindness, the mercies and the philanthropy of Your Only-begotten Son, our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, with Whom befit You praise, honor and dominion with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever.

Deacons: Amen.

Priest: O Lord our God, by the prayers of Your Mother and of all Your saints, martyrs, apostles and St. (N).

Here he anoints the icon with oil, not chrism, saying:
In the Name of the Father +.

Deacons: Amen.

And of the Son +.

Deacons: Amen.

And of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal.

Deacons: Amen.

Copyright © Syriac Orthodox Resources. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: June 17, 1998