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Anaphoras The Kiss of Peace: Substitute Prayers for Special Occasions |
Anaphoras: The Book of Order of the Liturgy Anaphoras
© Syrian Orthodox Dioceses of North America and Canada. Reproduced with permission. No part of the material may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher. A Special Christmas Prayer for the Kiss of Peace56:2 Celebrant: O God Who are infinite tranquillity, indivisible peace and undivided love; Who by the abundance of Your goodness did create man in a state of incorruptibility, but because he transgressed the commandment, through the envy of the the evil one, he was condemned to death. You filled the earth with peace from heaven by the life-giving coming of Your Only- begotten Son, our Lord and God, Whose glory even the heavenly hosts praised, saying: "Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace and good hope for men." Fill, O Lord, our hearts with Your goodwill. And now cleansing us from all defilement, all deceit, all death-bearing malice, all wickedness and cunning, make us worthy to give one another sincere peace by a holy kiss and to partake of the heavenly and incorruptible gifts of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Whom and with Whom praise, glory, honor and dominion befit You, with Your all Holy Spirit, good, adorable and consubstantial with You, now and forever. The following prayer by Mar Dionysius Bar Salibi is to be intoned at the Maundy Thursday Eucharistic celebration instead of the ordinary prayer of the Kiss of Peace:58:1 O Christ, our God, Who by Your Mystical Supper have brought to an end the old and symbolic service and delivered unto us the new Mystery of Grace, we beseech You, O Lord, to make us partners and partakers of Your Holy and Mystical Supper, and make us worthy to enjoy it in purity and without condemnation that through it we may be delivered from all the darkness of sin and be well-pleasing unto You by our inward and outward deeds in this present life and in the eternal one, and make us worthy, O Lord, to enjoy the sweet beatitudes of Your kingdom and Your heavenly feast. On account of all Your grace toward us we offer You glory, worship and thanksgiving, and to Your Father Who sent You for our salvation and to You all holy, good, adorable and life-giving Spirit, Who is of one substance with You now and forever. A prayer is to be intoned at the celebration of the Eucharist on Holy Saturday instead of the ordinary prayer of the Kiss of Peace:58:2 O Christ, our God, Who after having fulfilled Your divine dispensation in the flesh for our sake and suffering passion and crucifixion, You descended into Sheol to grant hope and consolation to the dead. You have revealed this Mystery in Your Person in order to purify and absolve from the defilement of sin all those who believe in You, and have promised them to enjoy it with You anew in Your kingdom. Make us worthy to be partners and partakers of this mystical and heavenly delight, and grant us that in purity and without condemnation, we partake of it thus, by partaking of it, we may be united with You in the true and indivisible life and gain in You incorruptibility and eternal felicity, and we raise praise, honor and thanksgiving to You and to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever. Figure - 1 Figure - 2 _____ 56:2 By St. Jacob of
Sarug, the Ecumenical Doctor (+521). Sarug is a district of Mesopotamia.
Its capital was Batnan. 58:1 No kiss of peace
is given on Maundy Thursday. 58:2 No kiss of peace
is given on Holy Saturday. |
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Last Update: December 1, 1997 |