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Prayer of the Morning |
The Book of Prayers Appendices |
O merciful God! be gracious to us in Your mercy. Moryo rahem `a lay noo `adarayn. Psalms 63O God, You are my God and I will wait for You. Like a dry and thirsty land longing for water, my spirit thirsts for You and my body longs for You. I truly looked up to You, to behold Your power and glory. Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus I will praise You while I am alive and I will raise my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fat and my mouth shall sing Your glory with joyful lips. I remember You as I lie on my bed. All night long, I think of You and meditate. Because You have been my help, I will be protected under the shadow of Your wings. My soul follows You and Your right hand keeps me safe. Those that seek to destroy my soul shall go into the depths of the earth. They shall fall by the sword and their bodies eaten by wolves. But the king shall rejoice in God. Everyone that swears by him shall be glorified. But the mouth of the liars shall be shut. To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor. EnyonoO heavenly King, in the morning I come in Your presence and bow before Your throne. Pardon all the sins that I committed against you. Gracious and compassionate Lord, I plead and long for your mercy. Pardon all the sins that I committed against you. The one who is light and lives in light, make me worthy of Your light that does not succumb to darkness. Barekhmor. I praise the Lord whose name is being glorified in the heaven above by the heavenly beings and by the people on the earth. Amen. Psalms 113Praise the Lord, the creator of light. Praise Him, you servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord. May the name of the Lord be blessed from the beginning and for ever. Prom the rising of the sun to its setting great is the name of the Lord. The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory is above the heavens. Who is like the Lord, our God? He dwells in the heights above and yet He looks upon the depths. He raises up the poor from the dust and make them sit with princes. He makes the barren women to be a joyful mother of children and he grants her a home. To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor. From Psalms 148, 149, 150Praise Him all His angels. Praise Him all His heavenly armies. By His word everything was made, for He commanded and they were created. He set them in their places for ever and gave them a law which shall not pass away. Praise the Lord, all mountains and hills, all fruit trees and cedars, all bees and cattle, all creeping things and birds that fly. For His name alone is exalted, His glory is on earth and in heaven. He also exalts the horn of His people, all His saints; even of the children of Israel, a people of His own. Let them praise His name with tambourines and drums, and sing to Him with their harps. The Lord is delighted in His people. He gives salvation to the poor. His saints have the honor, with a two-edged sword in their hands, to execute vengeance upon the heathen and bring punishments upon the people, to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron and to execute upon them the written judgment. Praise Him for His powerful deeds. Praise Him for His infinite greatness. Praise Him with the sound of horn. Praise Him with the sound of the flute and harp. Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise Him all you peoples. For great is His goodness toward us. Truly, He is the Lord for ever. To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor. EqboGod help us. The whirls and waves of sins that we committed are encircling us. You be the port of peace for us that we may not sink in the sea of sins. We are waiting to repent. As You extended Your hand to Peter6, extend Your hand to us and help us. Stomen ... QoloO Christ, our Lord, You offered Yourself as a pleasing incense before God the Father. Because of You, we may be a pleasing incense before God. Though our prayers and offerings are abominable and foul smelling, touch and purify us with Your holy hand which cleansed the lepers to make our prayers and offerings sweet smelling fragrances.Barekhmor. For the Intercession of Mother of GodGod our Lord, by Your presence You jolted Mount Zion. While You were bearing the heights and the depths, You willed that Virgin Mary conceive You without marriage and bring You forth beyond description. May Your mother's name be glorified and help us by her prayers. For the Intercession of SaintsMartyrs! pray for us that He may have mercy on us by His grace and save us from the punishment of the last day. Pray for us that we may be made worthy to see you when you receive the victorious crowns. For the Intercession of the Patron SaintSt. (Name), those who are in distress seek your help. May your prayer be a fortress and refuge for us. By your prayers, may our petitions be granted, sick people be healed and those who are being tempted by satan be liberated. For RepentanceO God, You do not deny Your mercy to the sinners who call upon You. By Your compassion spare us from punishments and the rods of wrath. To praise You for Your mercy, grant us joyful months and prosperous years. By glorious sign of Your cross guard us from the evil. Lord, may we not be silent from praising you and withdrawn from glorifying You. Lord, do not judge us according to Your righteousness. We confess that we are sinners. If You judge us according to our sins; we cannot hope eternal life and cannot plead before You and shall inherit fiery-hell. Therefore, according to Your mercy pardon and forgive our sins. Lord, when You judge us, let our sins not conceal us. When the righteous garb in glory, may we not be naked at the judgment. We confess that we have fallen in sin, extend Your hand unto us that we may stand again. O compassionate One, who opens the door to all those who repent, have mercy on us as You forgave the thief on Cross9 at Your side. For the DepartedLord, grant peace and good memory to our departed fathers and brothers. Include them in the company of saints and in their ranks. When you sit at the throne for judgment and to separate the righteous from the evil, may they receive Your compassion. When You appear in Your grace, may they stand on Your right side. Moryo rahem `a lay noo `adarayn. Bo`ootho of Mor Ya`qubO Lord, open Your great door full of mercy. Hear our petitions and show mercy to our souls. O glorious light which enlightens all creation in the morning, enlighten our intellects so that we may praise Your mercy. (Special prayer for the day may be said here) Lord, it is good to give thanks to You and to sing praise to Your exalted name, to proclaim Your goodness in the morning and Your faithfulness in the night. Lord, hear my voice in the morning. May I be seen ready before You in the morning. Lord, have compassion on Your people. Lord, pardon and forgive all our sins. Holy One, let Your right hand overshadow us and Your name heal our weaknesses. _____ 1 St. Matthew 14: 25-33.
2 St. Matthew 8:3.
3 2 Timothy 4:8.
4 St. Luke 23: 39-43.
5 St. Matthew 25:31-34.
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Last Update: May 25, 1997 |