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Prayer of the Evening |
The Book of Prayers Appendices |
Psalms 51 Psalms of the Evening(Psalms 141, 142, 119: 105-112, 117)1 Kyrie Elieson. I2 call upon you, Lord; hear me! Give heed to my words and answer me. Let my prayer be like incense in your sight, my uplifted hands be like an evening sacrifice. Lord, set a guard at my mouth, a sentry at the door of my lips, that my heart may not turn to evil and indulge in the deeds of wickedness. Let me not sit at the table of the wicked. Let the righteous man teach me, let him reprove me, but the oil of the wicked shall not anoint my head, my prayer is against their evil deeds. When their judges are thrown down in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet. Their bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave like the plow that breaks the earth. I lift up my eyes to you, Lord. I put my trust in you, do not leave my soul destitute. Keep me away from the hands of the proud who have laid snares for me. Let the wicked fall into their own traps, while I go unharmed. While my soul was in agony, I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with all my voice I made supplication. I poured out my affliction before Him, I told Him all my troubles. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You know my path. They have hidden snares for me in the way I have to walk. I looked to the right, but there was no one who knew me; no one cared for my soul. I cried unto You, O Lord! I said, You are my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. Attend to my supplication; for I am in distress. Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than me. Lead me forth from prison that I may praise your name. The righteous shall wait for me because You will answer me. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have sworn and have determined to keep Your holy decrees. I am made to be low, Lord. Give me life according to Your word. Lord, be pleased with the words of my lips and teach me Your decrees. My life is always in Your hands, I do not forget Your laws. The wicked have set traps for me, but I have not strayed from your commands. I treasure up Your testimonies. Truly they are the joy of my heart. Incline my heart to keep Your commands, in truth, for ever. 3Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise Him, all you people. Great is His goodness for us. Truly, the Lord's goodness is for ever. To you belongs praise, O God. Barekhmor. `EqboO Lord, listen to our prayers with mercy and answer them with compassion. God accept, and be pleased in our worship and prayers and be gracious to us. Stomen kalos4, Kyrie eleison5. Qolo - Offering of IncenseLord, let our prayers be like a pleasing incense before you. Let it rise to the highest like an offering of fragrance. As you are pleased in the offer of incense, accept our worship, prayers, supplications and praises without counting our unworthiness, and grant our petitions. Barekhmor. For the Intercession of the Mother of GodO Virgin Mother! shield us from all menace that confront us and forbid from us the whirls and tides of this world. O Mother! since you have acceptance in the presence of God, pray that your intercession grant us forgiveness and mercy, heal the sick, bring relief to the afflicted and the return of those who are away to us peacefully. For the Intercession of SaintsMartyrs! as in the time of deluge, when the righteous Noah protected the beasts that entered with him in the ark, let your intercession protect us from the tides and whirls that encircle this world. For the Intercession of Patron SaintSt. (Name6)! your grace has astonished the heavenly beings. Your glorious name is praised on earth among us. Your good deeds have been counted worthy by your Lord Jesus Christ, and He has revered and upheld your memory. May your prayers be a refuge to us. Prayer of RepentanceO God, the lover of those who are unblemished and upright, grant us perfection in our hearts. Remove from us all evil and malicious thoughts. O Lord, open to us Your merciful door, as you did to the thief. Accept our repentance as you had accepted the penance of the tax collector and the sinful woman. O Lord, You are merciful and pleased with those who turn to You in repentance as You graciously pardoned Peter who came to you after he had denied you. Lord cleanse us from our sins and follies. O Lord! we, the sinful, grieve about your dispassionate last judgement7. When the great books of account8 are opened and our sins are read, let Your grace strengthen us and let your mercy help us. Let our sins be pardoned. O Lord! we acknowledge our sins, have mercy on us. For the Faithful DepartedLord! grant good remembrance to the faithful departed who have received Your atoning body and blood. Lord Jesus Christ, when You come gloriously with the company of angels, let our departed ones stand before you with praises. Moryo rahem `a lay noo `adarayn.9 Bo`ootho of Mor Ya`qubO Lord! enable us to take part in the memory of Your Mother, prophets, apostles, martyrs, and all saints. By their prayers, protect the living and in Your mercy sanctify our faithful departed. (Special prayers for the day may be said here) Lord Jesus Christ, do not close the door of Your mercy on our faces. Lord, we confess that we are sinners, have mercy upon us. O Lord, Your love made you descend from Your place to us that by Your death, our death was abolished; have mercy upon us. _____ 1 This is invariable for
all evening prayers. 2 May change the first
person when praying in a group.
3 This is said at the end
of all readings from Psalms.
4 (Greek) Let us stand
well. 5 (Greek) Lord have mercy
upon us. 6 Name of the patron saint or
name of the saint whose feast falls on that day.
7 St. John 5:25-29; 1 Thess. 4:16; 5:2.
8 St. Matthew 12:36; Rom. 14:12.
9 Lord have mercy upon us and help us.
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Last Update: May 25, 1997 |